Sunday, March 2, 2014

3-2-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Getting serious about sex education
According to the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, the federal government has spent millions of dollars over several decades promoting abstinence-only sex education even though they “rarely provide information on even the most basic topics in human sexuality such as puberty, reproductive anatomy, and sexual health, and they have never been […]    

Your kid is being bullied at school — but not in the way you think
How bad is the standardized testing obsession in public education? Really bad, says James Arnold, the former superintendent of Pelham City Schools in Pelham, Ga., in the following post. A version of this appeared on his blog.   By James Arnold Are you defined by a test? If you were born before 1985, chances are the answer is […]    

All Week @ The Answer Sheet 3-1-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetA video that shows why teachers are going out of their mindsThe video below is not a parody. It shows Chicago Public School teachers in a professional development session that will make you understand why teachers are going out of their minds and to what extent administrators have infantilized teachers. Here is the video’s description on YouTube:  This p