Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3-11-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

NY Times on Chris Pavone book
I've known Chris Pavone since he was 3 years old when his mom, Vera Pavone, brought him to a meeting of Another View in District 14, the beginning of a 43 year political and personal relationship with Vera and her partner at the time, Paul Baizerman. These were the guys who had the most influence on me politically and in many ways personally. I won't get into the weeds of what I learned from them
ADVISORY: TODAY, 11am CM Dromm, Large Majority of City Council to Blast #CuomoCuts-- City Hall Steps
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 11th, 2014  Contact:Julian Vinocur, julian@aqeny.org. 212.328.9268Large Majority of NYC Council to Demand Public School Funding Increase, Following Gov's Promise to Give More to Charter Schools InsteadLed by Councilmember Daniel Dromm, Large Majority of Councilmembers to Release Sign-on Letter Calling on State to Comply with CFE & Increase School Aid PRESS CONFEREN

3-10-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: De Blasio Allies Counterattack on Moskowitz - the Real Civil Rights Issue of the TimeAs a candidate for mayor, Bill de Blasio electrified crowds of parents and education activists with a pledge to charge rent to charter schools, one of the starkest policy departures from his predecessor, Michael R. Bloomberg... NY Times, March 10, 2014Well, finally, a word or two that gets to the