Monday, February 3, 2014

Who Is Winning the Common Core War? Citizens Are. | Truth in American Education

Who Is Winning the Common Core War? Citizens Are. | Truth in American Education:

Who Is Winning the Common Core War? Citizens Are.

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on February 3, 2014 • 0 Comments
Anne Gassel and I presented at the Constitutional Coalition Common Core conference this weekend and my speech was about the importance of social media to present the facts (not paid propaganda) about Common Core.  I encouraged attendees to utilize social media to share messages of how CCSS was adopted/implemented while circumventing legislatures and voters, reveal the truth on the elites behind the funding (Bill Gates Foundation and other ed reform corporations), creators (David Coleman, Jason Zimba) or PR messengers (Chambers of Commerce) of the standards, and how we are winning the  the Common Core war.
Here is the proof that citizen and state led (authentic “state led”, not “private organization led” as CCSS has turned out to be) anti-common core groups are making a huge difference in what parents know about Common Core.  Corporations who stand to profit from this education reform have to spend yet more money to promote a PR message so people will support the corporate led vision of nationalized education:
common core collaborative
From Matt Gandal’s (former Race to the Top guru who left the USDOEd for a job in the private sector: Education Strategy Group) power point presentation (pdf) to the American Association of State Colleges and Universities December 2013 about the Common Core Communications Collaborative:
gates new ccss group
Why was this group formed?

An Expanding Awareness
IntroductionAs best I can reconstruct the time frame, in November 2012 I came across the draft of a report that caught my attention–Expanding Evidence Approaches for Learning in a Digital World.  As I read the draft, I took notes and made comments.  Those notes and comments about the draft, not the final document, are being posted below under the title of An Expanding Awareness.  The final copy of