Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Tragedy behind Noble Street Charters – a Skimmed Lottery | The Classroom Sooth

The Tragedy behind Noble Street Charters – a Skimmed Lottery | The Classroom Sooth:

The Tragedy behind Noble Street Charters – a Skimmed Lottery

I am teaching logic and argumentation in civics this week, and one of my favorite #edjustice advocates, Katie Hogan has submitted a response to Noble St. CEO Mike Milkie’s OpEd regarding expulsion rates at his charter network.  We’ll see if the news outlet publishes, but I couldn’t resist.
In response to “Expulsion heartbreaking but necessary,” by Michael Milkie February 21, 2014
As a teacher for fourteen years in CPS neighborhood schools I can empathize with the pathos in Mr. Milkie’s arguments in the February 21st, 2014 editorial.  Mr. Milkie argues that although it is “heartbreaking” to have to expel so many students, he has to make the tough choices for “high expectations and personal accountability.”  After all, I myself, have had those days where the one or two most disruptive and combative students were absent.  I’ve imagined what it would be like teach everyday with the absence of their complex, and often excruciatingly frustrating presence.  Where I could just “teach,” and not