Thursday, February 20, 2014

Testing Resistance & Reform Spring (TRRS) | United Opt Out National

Testing Resistance & Reform Spring (TRRS) | United Opt Out National:



The U.S. can do a much better job evaluating children, teachers and schools. That’s why protests against standardized testing misuse and overuse are exploding across the nation. Testing Resistance & Reform Spring (TRRS) seeks to ensure that assessment contributes to all students having access to a high-quality education. FairTest is a founding partner. Our alliance unites around three goals:
  1. Stop high-stakes use of standardized tests;
  2. Reduce the number of standardized exams, saving time and money for real learning; and
  3. Replace multiple-choice tests with performance-based assessments and evidence of learning from students’ ongoing classwork.
We support a range of public education and mobilizing tactics, including community meetings, boycotts, opt-out campaigns, rallies, petition drives and legislation. TRRS will help activists link up, communicate and learn from one another. This will build a stronger national movement to overhaul assessment policies.
Our new, action-oriented website – OR – will provide resources for the campaign’s success. A mapping tool will make it easy for parents, students, teachers and community organizers to post and find local actions anywhere in the United States. (For your event to be visible on the map and searchable by zip code, you must use this link/page.)
We invite activists to use our site and for groups to join TRRS as Partners; for more information, see
The website includes downloadable fact sheets, how-to-do-it guides, and much more. TRRS fact sheets and a list of partners is at our Mission statement; see

  • TRRS Founding Partners: FairTest, Network for Public Education, Parents Across America, Save Our Schools, and United Opt Out.