Saturday, February 15, 2014

teacherken at Daily Kos This Week 2-15-14

teacherken at Daily Kos:

teacherken at Daily Kos This Week

Milbank gets it right on Cruz and company
in a column titled High cost of an ego trip, written after watching what Cruz put Republican senators through on raising the debt ceiling. A couple of relevant snips: Cruz’s ego trip had come at a high cost. He had forced McConnell, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas and other Republicans to cast votes that could cause them to lose primaries to weaker general-election candidates, and he had risked getting


Krugman: Inequality, Dignity and Freedom
In this New York Times column this morning the Nobel Laureate in Economics takes apart the one percent and the Republican party in how they view - and talk about - work.  Starting with remarks by Paul Ryan on "the dignity of work" Krugman lays out the framework in this paragraph: It’s all very well to talk in the abstract about the dignity of work, but to suggest that workers can have eq

FEB 10

It's simple
The real tough guys, those in the US Military, now have no trouble with gays serving openly. Heck, they have no problem with active duty military in same-sex marriage - they now get full benefits. The NFL general managers who are being cowards right now can no longer pretend to be tough guys.   Real tough guys stand up to bigotry. Including their own. Michael Sam was projected as a 3rd or perhaps

FEB 05

Don't worry - I have not YET disappeared
Seriously,   I have had a number of direct inquiries as to whether something was wrong, as I have been writing so infrequently. Nothing is wrong, either with me or with my wife Leaves on the Current. I have been very busy with school-related tasks, as one semester has ended and a new one has begun, with my getting almost 60 new students. I am trying to honor some previous commitments for writing,