Monday, February 24, 2014

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 2-24-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2




The “All-Time” Best Videos For Educators
I’ve been posting annual lists of the Best Videos For Educators for a number of years. I thought it would be useful for readers, my students, and me to review them all and identify my choices for the “all-time” best ones. I’ve begun creating a number of these “All-Time” Best list, with The “All-Time” Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly being the first and The “All-Time” Best W

As I was researching and writing my post, The Gates Grant Addiction, a post in which I use the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as an illustration of an addiction to Gates money garnered via installments, two pieces of information stood out to me like the final clicking of tumblers in unlocking a revelation. The first involves information that I have read before but that struck me in a new wa

Colorblind Notion Aside, Colleges Grapple With Racial Tension
Racial tensions are playing out in new ways on college campuses nationwide, like the University of Michigan, which has seen a sharp decline in black undergraduate enrollment.    

From Huffington Post: Tennessee lawmakers advanced legislation this week officially condemning a group of students for holding a "Sex Week" event on campus.A resolutionwith 29 co-sponsorscurrently moving through the Tennessee House of Representatives will do nothing to stop "Sex Week" from taking place at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Instead, it declares the event

SKrashen: Invest in libraries and librarians
SKrashen: Invest in libraries and librarians: Sent to Los Angeles Times, Feb 24. Research and common sense tell us that we get better at reading (and writing, spelling, grammar and voc...

The city's Department of Education said it would engage more with local communities in decisions like opening new schools or putting multiple schools in one building, controversial issues during the previous mayor's administration. As a first step, the D.O.E. said on Monday a panel would review what's known as the "blue book," the city's formula for calculating available space in a schoo

PORTLAND, Ore. ― The union representing faculty at Portland State University declared an impasse after 10 months of bargaining with the administration. The decision moves the union closer to a strike that would be the first by professors at a public university in Oregon. The earliest a strike could occur is in April, because the parties must exchange final offers and enter a 30-day cooling off per

Florida Considers In-state Tuition for Dreamers
MIAMI ― State lawmakers could approve a bill this session allowing qualified Florida students to pay in-state college tuition even if they are in the country illegally. The tuition debate is a perennial one in Tallahassee. Similar bills passed the House and Senate but never in the same year. But this year the measure appears to be gaining broader support. House Speaker Bill Weatherford has staunch

The effort to repeal a new law allowing transgender students to use bathroom facilities and participate in sports teams consistent with their gender identity failed to qualify for the November ballot, the California Secretary of State said Monday. Opponents of the law, led by Privacy for All Students, a Sacramento-based coalition ... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today web

Late Night: RIP Harold Ramis
Animal House Writer, Actor, Director: Harold Ramis, the man behind some of the funniest movies of my generation, passed away at the too young age of 69. It would be hard to pick only one favorite of his, I’ve laughed at everything — and that’s a fact, Jack. Ramis leaves behind a formidable body of work, with writing credits on such enduring comedies as “National Lampoon’s Animal House” (which upo

A small town in upstate New York is joining a few other rural school districts in quietly tapping potential cash-ready international students who can bring new life to underenrolled schools. Federal statistics show that the number of international high schoolers arriving in the USA on F-1 visas has jumped from about 6,500 in 2007 to 65,000 in 2012. Federal law limits international students’ stays

Nashville, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago will create a network to share data and best practices in a national initiative called PASSAGE, an initiative to examine racial and disciplinary disparities and find ways to improve them. One goal is to address disciplinary disparities involving not only race but also gender, sexual orientation, foster care and transient family conditions. Source: The T

Benson High School students march to save football, soccer programs
Portland Public Schools official say they haven't approved cutting sports and soccer, but a fall schedule submitted to the state left Benson off the list.

Oscar-nominated ’12 Years a Slave’ to be distributed to high schools
After I saw “12 Years a Slave” late last year, I wrote that it was a film that mature high school students  could and should see to help understand the realities of the horrors of slavery in the United States. The movie,  based on an 1853 memoir of the same name by Solomon Northrup, tells with […]    

I want to thank Jim Steyer and Common Sense Media for bringing this event together and starting this important dialogue – and for your tireless efforts to keep the digital world that our kids inhabit safe and healthy.

Bilingual Education Ban May Be Overturned InCalifornia

Huffington Post - ‎5 hours ago‎
A law banning most bilingual education in California schools may be overturned by a new bill, restoring efforts to address language barriers in a state where nearly a quarter of students are English learners.

St. Paul teachers contract: Smaller class sizes, 8.6% compensation increase

Pioneer Press - ‎1 hour ago‎
The district and the St. Paul Federation of Teachers unveiled Monday more details of a tentative settlement they reached last week.

North Boone TeachersUnionAnnounces March 3 Strike Date

WIFR - ‎12 minutes ago‎
Teachers and District 200 can't agree on a new salary schedule. The union wants a base increase of 1.5% and the board is offering more than 3%, but with smaller automatic annual increases called steps.

Make testing a part of school vouchers

Sun-Sentinel - ‎4 hours ago‎
House Speaker Will Weatherford wants to expand the state's Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship program, which funds private-school vouchers for more than 60,000 low-income students. Gaetz is open to the expansion, so long as it comes with real ...

Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 2-24-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: untitledPolice finally caught the most wanted criminal, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. He was known as the drug lord who escaped the police for a decade and has been finally caught.  Guzmán was allegedly found in a hotel.. At first when the marines knocked on the door, El Chapo  sneaked out through a hidden exit in a bathroom ,but however was still caught after he was captu
IEA, ALEC, Dillard, Rauner, Quinn, $$$$$$$, etc. | Reclaim Reform
IEA, ALEC, Dillard, Rauner, Quinn, $$$$$$$, etc. | Reclaim Reform: IEA, ALEC, Dillard, Rauner, Quinn, $$$$$$$, etc.Posted on February 24, 2014by Ken Previti1) “There are two sides to every argument.” Nonsense.2) “He is the lesser of two evils.” Nonsense.3) “The Illinois Education Association is showing leadership by endorsing for governor the IL Chairman of ALEC who reportedly resigned from that p
Teacher tweets of the week: What SoCal teachers are talking about Education | 89.3 KPCC
Education | 89.3 KPCC: Teacher tweets of the week: What SoCal teachers are talking about; Credit: KPCC Teacher tweets of the week  by KPCC Staff / 1h Advocate proposes $44 million increase in early education for LA schoolsLos Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) officials joined students, staff, elected officials, members of the community and special guests to cut the ribbon on the new Glassell
NJEA blasts Newark’s Anderson, vows fight to save tenure | Bob Braun's Ledger
NJEA blasts Newark’s Anderson, vows fight to save tenure | Bob Braun's Ledger: NJEA blasts Newark’s Anderson, vows fight to save tenureNJEA’s Wendell SteinhauerThe president of the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), the state’s largest teachers’ union, last night blasted state-appointed Newark school superintendent Cami Anderson for creating a “climate of hostility and opposition” in the cit
Nite Cap 2-24-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP2-24-14 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG - Everything Is Not Always Awesome, But It Can BeEverything Is Not Always Awesome, But It Can Be — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGEverything Is Not Always Awesome, But It Can BeFebruary 24, 2014 by Kevin S