Friday, February 21, 2014

UPDATE: The Trojan Horse in South Carolina | VAMboozled! A blog by Audrey Amrein-Beardsley

| VAMboozled! A blog by Audrey Amrein-Beardsley:

The Trojan Horse in South Carolina
Following one of our most recent posts re: Rhee in South Carolina, a reader (Ian Kay) wrote in the following comment I thought important to share out with the rest of you. Ian writes: [Rhee] will succeed here in south Carolina, because she has the backing of the monied interests, including Gates, and Jeff Bezos and others. The newspapers will not print any criticism of this bunch, because they are

 On a More Positive Note…

Contrary to what is going on in South Carolina and its House Bill 4419 (thanks in large part to Rhee and her “supportive” efforts, as posted also today here), in the state of Washington its State Senate just voted “No” against evaluating teachers in the state using student test scores. Interesting that this happened in Bill Gates’s homestead state, given his current and widespread educational “ref
Rhee Coming to AZ?!?
Speaking of Rhee, mentioned in a prior post today, it seems that she is to be in my state of Arizona, as part of her most recent “tour.” Arizona, continuously basking in the glow of negative attention, coming largely from the uber conservative policies supported by our current Republican Governor Jan Brewer, is to potentially have another gubernatorial leader – Scott Smith. I was sent, in secret,
Michelle Rhee Rhumbuggery
Michelle Rhee who, as many of you know, is the founder and current CEO of StudentsFirst, as well as former Chancellor of Washington D.C.’s public schools who during her tenure there, enacted a strict, controversial teacher evaluation system (i.e., IMPACT) that has been at the source of different posts here and here, most recently following the “gross” errors in 44 D.C. public school teachers’ eval