Wednesday, February 19, 2014

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-19-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Advice for Robert Reich About K-12 Education
A reader whose tag is “Not a Public School Teacher” reacts to the news that Robert Reich has come out in opposition to the overuse of standardized testing: “I was very grateful to see Reich’s stance in “Inequality for All”, but frankly, I think it’s about time he took a stand on K-12 public education. HIgh-stakes standardized testing is not a new issue. We’re talking about 12 years of standardized

Jeff Nichols Advises Governor Cuomo’s Panel On Common Core
Governor Cuomo created a panel to review the flawed rollout of the Common Core. His panel is stacked with supporters of Common Core. The governor invited the public to offer suggestions. Here is one from Jeff Nichols, a parent of children in the New York City public schools and a professor at Queens College and the GraduateCenter of the City of New Yrk: Professor Nichols writes: The Common Core I
Breaking News: Michigan Department of Education Terminates Agreement with EAA
After a series of exposes on Eclectablog about poor conditions of teaching and learning in Governor Rick Snyder’s so-called Education Achievement Authority for failing schools, the Michigan State Department of Education terminated an exclusivity agreement with EAA. This leaves open the possibility that the state education department might try some evidence-based practices–like smaller classes, ex
Camden, N.J.: Parents Face Manufactured Crisis and False Choice
Stephen Danley, a professor at Rutgers University, here describes the game that Camden’ state-appointed superintendent is paying on residents. He touted the virtues of the Urban Hope Act for new school construction, not the School Development Authority, because the former is funded. But the only schools it offers are charter schools! Neat trick! Danley writes: “I don’t know where that leaves Ca
Robert Reich On Standardized Testing
Robert Reich posted this on his Facebook page: Robert Reich “I’ve been a teacher for most of my life, and few professions are more intrinsically rewarding. Yet I’m troubled by the direction we’re heading in, especially K-12 education. It makes sense for all kids to be brought up to a minimum level of proficiency in English and math, and standardized tests can help insure they are. But we’ve gone w

The Perils of Privatization: Good News
A report from “In the Public Interest,” an organization that tracks privatization. The outlook for the profiteers is not so bright. That is good news. So is the news from Alaska and Maine. “National: As U.S. revenues of for-profit education companies slump, they look overseas for greener pastures. “Outside the U.S., it’s a wide-open area to run in without as much scrutiny,” says Michael Moe, chief

NJ Legislators Plan Hearings into Christie Plan to Privatize Newark Public Schools
State Senator Ronald Rice promised hearings into the Christie plan called “One Newark,” which would turn over 1/3 of the city’s umbilical schools to charter operators. Ironic name for Balkanization, no? “Let me assure you I will be calling for an investigation into the operation of the Newark district,” Rice said at the close of a two-hour hearing in Newark City Hall about the so-called “One Newa

Reader: The Chief Factor Behind “Global Competitiveness” Is….?
A sage comment by a reader: “The chief purpose of the Common Core standards –– one cited by the Common Core initiative, and repeatedly echoed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Business Roundtable, and Arne Duncan and the like –– is that the standards are necessary to enable American students and the American nation “to compete successfully in the global economy.” That’s demonstrably false. Amer
LA Times: How PBS Sold Its Soul
When Ronald Reagan and Congress cut funding for PBS, the public system had to go begging to the 1%. As this article in the LA Times shows, David Sirota was right when he exposed the funding behind the PBS series on “pension reform.” The money came from a billionaire who is a vocal critic if public pensions. PBS returned the $3.5 million. But read the story to learn how PBS quashed a show about

The Debate of the Decade Would be Schneider vs. Gates on CCSS
Mercedes Schneider recently wrote an open letter to Bill Gates. She is angry that he will be the keynote speaker for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Let’s face it: Bill Gates has never taught and most of what he knows about education is wrong. Schneider calls on him to explain how teachers can hold him accountable for having the nerve to tell them how to teach. She writes
Anthony Cody: What Bill Gates Will Tell the NBCTs, and Why They Should Not Believe Him
Anthony Cody is steamed that Bill Gates was invited to be a keynote speaker for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. He knows that Gates will praise them and make them feel good. But, beware, he says. No one has done more to damage the profession of teaching than Bill Gates. Cody cites word-for-word the insulting and vacuous comments Gates has made in print and in lectures tha
Bob Braun: Cami Assures Newark Parents She Knows Best
Bob Braun writes that Christie’s appointee as Newark superintendent Cami Anderson told parents she knows what’s best for their children: “Pity the parents of Newark’s public school children. Many are unsure where their children will attend school in the fall. They’ve had to fill out application forms and hope they get their first choices in an ever-changing program called “One Newark.” For many,
A Network of Privatizing Institutions
Every time I think I have encountered every organization associated with corporate reform, I find I am wrong. Here is one I did not know about. It consists of foundations, nonprofits, mayor’s offices, etc. It shows you the funding and political muscle behind the movement to get rid of public schools and build up the number of non-union privately managed schools. It is yet another example of fals
Legal Challenges to North Carolina’s Voucher Plan Move Forward
The North Carolina legislature created a voucher plan, which they call “opportunity scholarships.” Voucher proponents never have the courage to call a voucher what it is; they always use the euphemism “opportunity scholarship” to try to fool the public. A number of North Carolina organizations challenged the law and the funding, and the judge ruled that the case against the law had merit and coul
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-18-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: A Stunning Article About the Obama Administration’s War on Public EducationThis article by Michael Brenner, a professor of international relations at the University of Pittsburgh, is a trenchant summary of the relentless attack on public education launched by the Obama administration and backed by billions of federal and private do