Sunday, February 16, 2014

It’s time for a twitter storm! #ResistTFA | Seattle Education

It’s time for a twitter storm! #ResistTFA | Seattle Education:

It’s time for a twitter storm! #ResistTFA

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A movement is underfoot. Parents, teachers and students are pushing back against the machine that is Teach for America.
We would like to welcome you to the official website for the Students Resisting Teach for America campaign, hosted by Students United for Public Education (SUPE). This campaign was created to build a resistance movement to the model and approach of Teach for America (TFA), an organization that trains its corps members for five weeks before placing them as full-time instructors in low-income, high-need classrooms across America.
For years, college campuses across the country have been the core recruiting ground for TFA. For many soon-to-be graduates, concerned as they should be with the rampant inequality embedded in American public schools, TFA appears to be an opportunity to make a difference. Using the rhetoric of civil rights and egalitarian politics, TFA promises ambitious college students that their hard work and good intentions are a crucial component of what it will take to fix the crisis within our education system. Yet, as numerous TFA alums and professionals have made it increasingly clear, rather than fighting inequality, TFA actually promotes it. Despite its image as a social justice organization, TFA not only does a disservice to the students and schools it purports to serve, but also acts as a political force in its own right to