Wednesday, February 26, 2014

@Every Learner: Someday Is Now — Whole Child Education

@Every Learner: Someday Is Now — Whole Child Education:

Whole Child Symposium

@Every Learner: Someday Is Now

2014 ASCD Annual ConferenceNow is the time to make a difference in the lives of our learners, to propel them into the world as beacons of success and hope. ASCD's 69th Annual Conference and Exhibit Show is two weeks away—it's not too late to participate!
The conference will be held in Los Angeles, California, March 15–17, 2014, and will showcase ideas and best-practice strategies that are driving student achievement and unlock ways to boost teacher and leadership effectiveness. Attendees will choose from more than 350 sessions that will enable them to prepare our world's learners to be creative, critically minded, and compassionate citizens. The conference's general session speakers include education luminaries such as Sir Ken Robinson, Daniel Pink, and Russell Quaglia. The conference is generously supported by sponsors including Microsoft, Adobe, and VINCI.
As you plan your conference experience, consider attending a whole child or policy session:
Saturday, March 15
  • A Whole Child Approach to School Improvement: The Opportunity to Make Change Happen
    At the ASCD Whole Child Theater, learn about school improvement, policy changes that are critical to school success, and a framework for intentional and targeted teaching.
  • Federal Education Policy and You
    Decisions made by policymakers in Washington, D.C., can influence educators' daily lives, from how teachers are evaluated to what student test scores are used for and the resources available to districts or schools. Learn about ASCD's positions and resources and how ASCD is actively advocating on your 
Getting to the Heart of Education: Listening to the Whole At-Risk Student
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." —Aristotle Many at-risk students in schools are crying out for help with their real-life issues, yet many educators respond with an emphasis on academic proficiency skills. With today's stress on academic achievement at all costs with little regard for the mental, social, physical, emotional, or spiritual aspects

FEB 24

Everything Is Not Always Awesome, But It Can Be
A positive school culture is critical to the success of any school. As educators, we know that staying positive in the wake of planning, paperwork, meetings, grading, and all of the other administrative tasks is tough, especially when we got into this business because we love to work with students. It takes more effort than simply "putting on a happy face," as the musical number goes. Th

FEB 21

Every School Has Its Challenging Students
As educators, we are the gatekeepers for society and the nurturers of individuals. We have an obligation to teach all students, but some are really hard to teach. How can we promote safety and success for all, while supporting our challenging students to grow and learn? In this webinar, Jeffrey Benson, author of the ASCD book Hanging In: Strategies for Teaching the Students Who Challenge Us Most

FEB 20

Play: Is it Becoming Extinct?
Think back for a moment to when you were a young child. What games did you play? What things did you play at school? Do you remember your parents telling you to "go play?" I remember riding my bicycle, roller skating, getting together with the neighbor kids to play hide-and-seek, and Barbie's of course were my favorite! Today if a parent were to say "go play," would children kn

FEB 19

Personalized Professional Development Elements: Supporting the CCSS Transition
Personalized learning has proven effective for empowering students to monitor their learning, establish goals, and reflect on progress. As the the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have become a target of focus for educators, we must consider how we are embarking on this learning journey as adults. Providing a professional atmosphere for personalized learning is essential in supporting teachers t
Throughout February and March: Building School Morale
Educators working in a positive school culture experience collegiality, trust, and tangible support as leaders and peers, creating an environment where there are high expectations, involvement in decision making, and open communication. Students entering a positive school culture feel safe, engaged, and connected and see school as a place where they can learn and contribute to the world around the