Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dissecting New Hampshire Education Commissioner Virginia Barry’s Testimony on HB 1508 | Truth in American Education

Dissecting New Hampshire Education Commissioner Virginia Barry’s Testimony on HB 1508 | Truth in American Education:

Dissecting New Hampshire Education Commissioner Virginia Barry’s Testimony on HB 1508

imageYesterday New Hampshire Education Commissioner Virginia Barry testified against HB 1508, a Common Core repeal bill being discussed in the House Education Committee.
I wanted to address some of what she said.
1.  She says this takes away local control. NO it does not. IF this bill passes, it stops the STATE’s participation in the Common Core Standards.  We would resort BACK to the OLD NH standards. OR if we really wanted high quality academic standards in this state, the NH DOE would do THEIR JOB and develop the BEST. That’s what parents WANT and are demanding. Districts could adopt any standards they felt were right for their schools.
2. The "Small, Loud and misinformed individuals" are the many people who oppose Common Core in this state and actually want something better. ie…MOMs. I’m actually surprised she didn’t use the term Sec. Duncan used: "White Suburban Moms"
AND MOMs are NOT misinformed and the group is getting BIGGER. Ok, we may be LOUD.
3. The Commissioner says the Common Core Standards raise the bar in this state. So why did they wait so long for National Standards?? Why wasn’t this a priority PRIOR to the Feds. bribing them with Race to the Top Money?? The OLD NH academic standards were developed under Gov. Lynch. Is she saying that under his direction as Governor and the leadership in the NH DOE, they failed and needed National standards in order to help our students? Why didn’t THEY do the