Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Are you busy busy, busy? | Connected Principals

Are you busy busy, busy? | Connected Principals:

Are you busy busy, busy?

This post is cross posted from Technically yours, Teamann.
Busy is the new black. Ask anyone how they are doing and what do response do you get?
“Stressed!” “Overwhelmed!” “Can’t keep up!” “Tired!”
Can you imagine what would happen if you just answered that question with a “Inbox zero, task list completed, actually have time for an extra nap this week…”? It would stop traffic!
Many times busyness is equated with productivity. Just because the wheels are constantly spinning doesn’t mean you’re getting anywhere. I know that for me, my to do list can shift based on priority but I literally can work 12 hour days and still not get caught up…which makes it feel as if I am not making progress.
I listened to a podcast this weekend and heard something simplified that is so common sense I am almost ashamed to admit how clarifying it was for me. The author (Crystal Paine) was discussing how hard it is for her to say no and to prioritize her tasks. She said that at the beginning of each month (day, week, year, etc) she lists her BIG goals. Her big, all encompassing, gotta be done goals. Then she files all of her tasks into alignment with those goals. If it doesn’t fit? She doesn’t commit.
I’m a big “yes” girl. I like feeling accomplished and like I’ve done more than my share, like I’ve had my opportunity to get