Sunday, February 2, 2014

All Week 2-2-14 @ THE CHALK FACE


School Discipline: The U.S. vs. The Brits
Quality teaching and student learning cannot occur in a chaotic classroom. Organized chaos, i.e. student-centered stations and activities, is extremely productive. Disruptive behavior, however, is extremely unproductive and problematic, to say the least.  So, it’s rather interesting that while the USDOE is calling for schools to relax its “zero tolerance” disciplinary policies, the Brits are calli

SC’s Low Self-Esteem, Florida Addiction, and Education Policy

In the 1980s and 1990s, the decades of my career as a public high school English teacher, South Carolina was early and all-in as an accountability/standards/testing education reform state. One interesting aspect of that commitment is that SC has had at least 4 generations of standards and tests (including the current adoption of Common Core), […]
All Week 2-1-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: All Week @ THE CHALK FACE A Critical Truce in the War between Traditionalists and ProgressivesA Critical Truce in the War between Traditionalists and Progressives. via A Critical Truce in the War between Traditionalists and Progressives.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical1 by plthomasedd / 1h Student Slang 102As a follow-up to the first version, here a