Monday, February 17, 2014

4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 2-17-14

4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:

ONE CHILD AT A TIME: Custom Learning in the Digital Age
This radio documentary was broadcast on KPCC/89,3  at 11AM on Feb 17th, President's Day.  You weren’t  the car with me – but I thought I’d share.  Any offering that contains scholarly references to Dr. Benjamin Bloom (of Bloom’s Taxonomy) and Dick Dale (of Dick Dale and the DelTones) can’t possibly be all bad! Transcript| Stephen Smith: From APM, American
Posted by Robert D. Skeels to solidaridad | Dr. Krashen, Professor Emeritus of USC, and world renowned language acquisition expert speaks in support of more libraries and librarians in LAUSD. February 11, 2014.

Susan Sontag And The Lausd Middle School Library Crisis
  BY Penka Skachkova The Blog/The Huffington Post |   2/12/2014 9:39 am EST  ::  In her essay Pilgrimage in The New Yorker, Susan Sontag recalled that when she went to North Hollywood High School she was an avid reader, and as a teenager in Los Angeles even met one of her literary idols, Thomas Mann. Reading transformed her into becoming one of the most famous literati

Lao Report Supports Eliminating Dedicated Funding For Career Tech Programs
Report also recommends against  Gov. Brown’s proposal to set the percentage of Prop 98 funds reserved for the  Local Control Funding Formula. By Susan Frey  | EdSource Today February 14th, 2014   ::  A new report by the Legislative Analyst’s Office supports Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal to move two more categorical programs that support career
Proposed Initiative Would Give School Districts Back Their Property Taxes
By John Fensterwald | EdSource Today February 14th, 2014   ::  The parent activists who formed Educate Our State say it’s time for the state to stop robbing Peter to pay Paul. Peter, in their view, being the schools and the theft being billions in property taxes.

Common Core Curriculum Now Has Critics On The Left
“N0w?”  Really?  NYTimes now has reporters on the story! By AL BAKER, New York Times |   Kimberly Celifarco with one of her kindergarten students, Gerson Perez, 5, at Public School 253 in Brooklyn. Victor J. Blue for The New York Times FEB. 17, 2014 /page A1 ::  The Common Core has been applauded by education leaders and promoted by the Obama administration as a
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 2-16-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: REPAIRS NOT iPADS? The world is watching …and there’s an app for that!by smf for 4LAKids 16 Feb 2014  ::  The Repair Not iPads Facebook Page  []  has grabbed the notice of the powers-that-be at a Beaudry; folks in the Facilities Services Division and LAUSD Maintenance & Operations are watching. Folks in Superintendent’s office