Monday, February 3, 2014



NYS PTA: We want your two dollars (but not your input.) #PTA
Let me start this post out by saying that as an educator and parent the local PTA groups in the districts I am involved with are amazing.  The volunteers of the PTA do so much to enhance the experiences of our children. We cannot thank active local PTA members enough for all they do for […]

Criticizing KIPP Critics
Criticizing KIPP Critics. via Criticizing KIPP Critics.

My Endorsement for Governor of New Mexico
I know what you’re thinking: “Why are you endorsing a candidate?  You’re just an independent blogger who likes to rabblerouse!” And you would be right.  But, c’mon, give me some credit.  I’m also a community activist and organizer who likes to rabblerouse. I also pay attention–very close attention–to the goings on in my state of […]

All Week 2-2-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE: SC’s Low Self-Esteem, Florida Addiction, and Education PolicyIn the 1980s and 1990s, the decades of my career as a public high school English teacher, South Carolina was early and all-in as an accountability/standards/testing education reform state. One interesting aspect of that commitment is that SC has had at least 4 generations of standards and tests (including the current ad