Sunday, February 23, 2014

2-23-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

How Do We Fight Bully Principals? Thursday, February 27, 5:00pm
Given all the discussion about how to take on bully principals like at the recently exposed "School of No" at PS 106 in the Rockaways, this workshop takes on increased importance. We'll be discussing situations with difficult principals as well as with more cooperative and mixed administrations.  ... MORE Chapter Organizing Committee You can't do it alone. In a hostile atmosphere buildin

Marcella Sills Was a Humanitarian by Being Absent and Late
The school ran so much better when she wasn't there. Maybe we can start a trend. Have bully and abusive principals just stay home. Let them collect their salaries. A cheap price to pay for improving the school community.

REVIVE UFT : Mulgrew Forms New Group to Ally With MORE, Causing Split in Unity
"Before we can move forward, we must resolve many outstanding issues from those dark years, starting with our working conditions, which are also our students’ learning conditions."... Michael MulgrewUFT President Mike Mulgrew is finding so much in common with the MORE caucus he has decided to build an alliance with MORE and is pushing for the rest of Unity Caucus to do the same. Facing i
Anti-testing groups form alliance to bring sanity to education policy
I'm proud to be a member of Change the Stakes, a partner in this national alliance.Posted in facebook and The Washington Post Answer Sheet."The founding members of the alliance are the Center for Fair & Open Testing, or FairTest, as well as Parents Across Am
In a Nutshell: Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools

2-22-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineNewark Teacher Reports on Raz Baraka Blogger MeetingThank you Ras Baraka and "May The Lord protect and defend you."... A Newark Teacher It speaks volumes about Ras Baraka's true commitment to Newark's children that he has cast these educational tourists aside in favor of those who have made it their life's work to either teach children or understand the dy