Thursday, February 20, 2014

2-20-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Pro-Education Reform Andrew Cuomo Doesn't Get To Distance Himself From His Education Reforms
Governor Andrew Cuomo, ever the political realist, has weighed the merits (and political donations received) for remaining an unabashed Common Core State Standards supporter and education reform proponent as students, parents and teachers around the state rise in rebellion against the CCSS/state education reform agenda and has decided the downside outweighs the benefits.Thus he said the following

Pro-Common Core Andy Cuomo Throws In With Parent Critics Of Common Core
Don't take a sip of water while reading the following or you'll be performing a Danny Thomas spit take:Gov. Andrew Cuomo in Rochester on Thursday compared himself to a parent protesting the implementation of the Common Core standards and sought to distance himself from the highly criticized roll out. Cuomo was asked by a reporter in a Q-and-A about parents and children outside of his regional budg

Cuomo's Pre-K Plan Won't Work The Way Cuomo Says It Will

Jessica Bakeman at Capital NY:ALBANY—Andrew Cuomo has all but won the battle with Mayor Bill de Blasio over how to pay for pre-kindergarten in New York, but experts say the governor's plan won't provide enough money to serve every child in the state. Researchers estimate it will run anywhere from $10,000 to $13,000 per student to provide quality full-day pre-K in New York, accounting for the cost

2-19-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Obama Should Apologize To ALL TeachersIn case you didn't hear, Obama slammed art history last week:WASHINGTON — President Obama issued an artful apology Tuesday, taking back a “glib” remark encouraging students to ditch art history for more lucrative pursuits. Playing to the lunchpail crowd at a General Electric plant in Wisconsin late last month, Obama took a swipe at art-h