Thursday, February 20, 2014

2-20-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Exclusive guest blogger. Jay Travis on the March 18th primary is a fight for the future of our schools.
- Jhatayn “Jay” Travis.  Jay Travis is running against Christian Mitchell in the March 18 Democratic Primary for the Illinois 26th District. She has been endorsed to date by the Chicago Teachers Union, Citizen Action Illinois, AFSCME, Illinois Federation of Teachers, Illinois Education Association, Northside Democracy for America, SEIU Local 73. Jay lives in Kenwood, where she helps take care of

NEA’s Van Roekel isn’t listening to the Common Core critics. But admits a “course correction” is needed.
Talk to teachers as I do every day and they will tell you that Common Core is a disaster. This is true whether you ask a teacher in an urban, suburban or rural district. But the leaders of both the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have stayed the course in supporting this mess. More or less. Last year they began to admit that the testing component was problem
Ten minute drawing. Glen Brown asked Lisa Madigan a question yesterday.
  Glen Brown asked LIsa Madigan a question yesterday.

Shazzam! The Dillard letter shows up at my door.
Two hours after posting about the mysterious Dillard letter resigning from Illinois Chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council, it arrived from Dillard’s office in my email The letter is a stun nigh rejection of all that ALEC stands for and the anti-union work Dillard has engaged in these past years. Kidding. It just says he didn’t have enough time to do ALEC’s work and run for governor

I just want to read Dillard’s ALEC letter.
  Senator Kirk Dillard’s Capitol office yesterday. When the IEA endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard for governor in the Illinois primary I brought up the fact that he was Illinois Chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a notorious union busting group of corporate interests and mainly Republican politicians. ALEC literally writes the anti-union, anti-public school, stand-your-gro

2-19-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Bruce Rauner: “I talk to Arne all the time.”The Republican debate last night wasn’t all talk about Dan Rutherford’s crotch grabbing. In fact, nobody mentioned it. I would have mentioned it if I had been in the debate. But maybe that’s why I’m not a Republican. If somebody I know goes around grabbing g