Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2-19-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

CT Democratic legislative leaders block a public hearing on Common Core and Common Core Test
Rather than hold a full, traditional public hearing in which any citizen could come and speak out about the implementation of the Common Core and its corresponding unfair and inappropriate Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment testing scheme, it now appears that the Connecticut General Assembly’s Democratic leaders will do nothing more than hold a meeting […]The post CT Democratic legislative le

Is Stefan Pryor or the Connecticut Council for Education Reform breaking the law?
As Commissioner of Education, Stefan Pryor and his agency must adhere to the Connecticut ethics laws that apply to public officials and public agencies. The Connecticut Council for Education Reform (CCER) is a corporate funded lobbying and advocacy group that is working to support Governor Malloy’s education reform initiatives.  As a lobbying group, CCER must […]The post Is Stefan Pryor or the Con

Connecticut Education Committee members hear from a CT educator

A number of Connecticut legislators have told constituents that Governor Malloy and Commissioner Stefan Pryor are implementing education policies that are very different from what they were told during the 2012 debate that lead up to the passage of Malloy’s “education reform” legislation. Here is a letter that James D. Trifone recently sent to the […]The post Connecticut Education Committee member
2-18-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Malloy, Pryor, Superintendents – Stop lying about the Common Core Smarter Balanced Field!Anger and frustration on the part of parents, teachers and supporters of public education is bubbling over. Rather than protect the rights of parents and local schools districts, elected and appointed officials are inappropriately using their positions to mislead, lie and scare parents and teachers