Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2-19-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


Jay Travis on the bus to Springfield for teacher pensions.
Walking into the Capitol building for the rally against Chicago public employee pension cuts I ran into Jay Travis, candidate for the 26th district State Representative seat in Springfield. A pension stalwart, Jay said she rode the bus with CTU members. Her opponent voted for Senate Bill 1. Any other questions. Here is her statement about todays pension lobby effort and rally in the rotunda of th
Photo essay. Chicago in the house. Springfield today.
  “They closed my school. They want me to teach science without a science room. Now they want to take my pension.”            

Bruce Rauner: “I talk to Arne all the time.”
The Republican debate last night wasn’t all talk about Dan Rutherford’s crotch grabbing. In fact, nobody mentioned it. I would have mentioned it if I had been in the debate. But maybe that’s why I’m not a Republican. If somebody I know goes around grabbing guys’ crotches, I will mention it. There was a guy I knew in high school who did that. His gym locker was right next to mine and the guy had r
John Dillon. It’s a tough time to be in a public union in Illinois.
- John Dillon blogs at Pension Vocabulary. It’s a tough time to be in a public union in Illinois these daysThe primaries are coming up quickly, and we are sidelined…without anyone in the race.  Without anyone to advocate for the working class, or the middle class. It wasn’t always this way.  Public unions in Illinois were able to influence and affect political outcomes.  Legislators wanted to rep

2-18-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Kirk Dillard and ALEC. Stand Your Ground wasn’t about education?  ALEC’s Stand Your Ground bill and Trayvon Martin. I totally understand why many of my teacher colleagues are so terrified by Bruce Rauner that they will hold their nose and pull a Republican ballot and vote for someone like Kirk Dillard