Sunday, February 16, 2014

2-16-14 Schools Matter All Week

Schools Matter:

Think Your Local TV News Is Local? Think Again
ht to Alternet.
Propaganda, Plagiarism, and Public Misleading on CREDO (Reprise)
The corporate charter industry is working every angle to put the best makeup on the CREDO charter study of 2013.  And "news coverage" in Tennessee shows their efforts paying off.Two examples of Tennessee media  “coverage” of the 2013 CREDO charter school study are provided below, and as you can see, they are both lifted from the Tennessee Charter Schools Association blog post.  Who said

Charters: Another point of view
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 16, 2014Mathew Kaminski's enthusiasm for Success Academy and for charters in general, ("Teachers Union Enemy No. 1", February 15) presents only part of the story. The high test scores achieved by Success Charter Schools in New York has been thoroughly discussed in a series of blogs by Diane Ravitch (

Part 5: Classroom Video Camera Project . . . Who Benefits? Who Loses?
Part 5: Classroom Video Camera Project . . . Who Benefits? Who Loses?Jim Horn and Denise WilburnPart 4 and links to previous postsDoes anyone think that children’s educational data stored in third party corporate “cloud” computers are secure?  No one in his right mind would answer yes to that one, and yet the U. S. Department of Education forced through changes to FERPA regulations in 2011 to allo

Florida "Justice" Redux

A couple of questions to consider in the Jordan Davis murder by Michael Dunn:How does a jury convict of attempted murder charges (which it did) and fail to convict on murder charges (which it did not), when there is a dead body of the atttemptee in the room bleeding on the floor?If a black man in Florida, or anywhere else, shot with deadly force into a car filled of unarmed white boys, how many mi

2-8-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter:  Schools Matter All WeekNo Excuses?: Giving Power a PassNo Excuses?: Giving Power a Pass*"After several decades of rigorous effort, it is fair to say that the majority of our attention in political science has been given to interstate war and civil war," explains Christian Davenport, adding:I would say that it would be interesting to count the number of articles over the