Thursday, February 13, 2014

2-13-14 Ed Notes Online Week

Ed Notes Online:

Carol Burris Calls For Accountability at the Top for Common Core Mess
...the Regents are “rolling back” what they never did in the first place..... Like Lucy holding the football for poor Charlie Brown, the Regents and Commissioner King have repeatedly set up parents and educators.... Carol Burris  Why do you think the Regents and King and Cuomo are doing this dance? To confuse, obfuscate and derail the growing threat. These tactics work by making the public think t
NYC Teacher Writes to Iannuzzi and Mulgrew Regarding Cuomo
Any teachers' union in the State of New York that claims to be on the side of its members while simultaneously stroking Cuomo's extra large ego serves as a lesson in the true meaning of hypocrisy... [we] are FED UP and want some evidence that our union leaders are on our side and capable of standing up and fighting for what's just and fair for teachers.... Roseanne McCosh, former Chapter Leader, P

2-12-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Peter Lamphere: New York takes on Common CoreUNFORTUNATELY, THE New York State United Teachers actually has a mixed record on Common Core. Led by its largest affiliate, New York City's United Federation of Teachers (UFT), the union officially supports the Common Core, but disagrees with the implementation that has occurred, calling for a three-year moratorium on high-stakes conseq