Monday, February 10, 2014

2-10-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Want to Raise Achievement? End Socioeconomic Segregation.
Richard Kahlenberg in the NYTimes:Parental involvement in education is both critical for students and unequally distributed, with upper-middle class parents much more likely to be engaged. There are, however, important steps that policy makers can take to ensure that students in all schools have champions for higher standards and strong teaching.Lower-income parents can't get involved as easily. A

That Sucking Sound in Philadelphia
From Ken Derstine:DN Editorial: CONTROL ISSUES: Is the state using charter rules to help kill Philly's school district? | Philadelphia Daily NewsLast week, the School District of Philadelphia confirmed what it feared back in November: It is facing an extra $25 million in unbudgeted costs associated with increased enrollment in charter schools. Charters have enrolled 1,600 more students than allowe

Taking Down Dixie's Last Political Stand in North Carolina
North Carolina is so everything that the current covey of Koch Brothers stooges in charge of the state are not: temperate, reasonable, accommodating, caring, committed to fairness. And just as Wake County reclaimed its schools from the ideologues sent in to destroy socioeconomic integration of schools, the voters of North Carolina will do the same. From Alternet, a nice piece.  A clip here:It was
2-9-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: The Party's OverOne of the great political feats of the late 20th Century was the manufacture by billionaires of a right-wing cabal of crackpots-under-contract so unabashedly fascist that anyone sane and still voting would be left with a single alternative, which, of course, is the now-familiar brand of corporate, anti-democratic dramaturgy known as the Democratic Party.It's time f