Sunday, January 19, 2014

United We stand; Divided We Fall: Remember the castrated dog. | Reclaim Reform

United We stand; Divided We Fall: Remember the castrated dog. | Reclaim Reform:

United We stand; Divided We Fall: Remember the castrated dog.

“United we stand; divided we fall.”What is there to not understand?
The Chicago Tribune on 12/3/13 depicted the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union (AFSCME), a part of the AFL-CIO, as a castrated dog – a dog “fixed” by SB1 “Pension Reform” legislation. This legislation was sought by and passed by Illinois’ Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. (SB1 is presently being brought to court for a Constitutional challenge by unions throughout Illinois.)
Now, the Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan and the Executive Board endorsed the election of their castraters, including Gov. Pat Quinn.
Quinn has repeatedly and publicly declared that he was “put on God’s Earth” to cut teacher and other public employee pensions. Read HERE.
Quinn bang1Carrigan and his cohorts appear like Quinn’s lapdogs to Tribune readers. Union officials appear to be licking the same hand that “fixed” them. The gloating Tribune editorial board who approved this gross, insulting, and disgusting cartoon needs to be held accountable by all union members. Union leaders should use the cartoon often to show just what the Tribune and its gleeful corporate ownership feel about unions and union leaders. Read HERE.
Obviously, the building trade union members were somewhat happy with Quinn for feeding them the capital bill scraps as he destroyed the public sector unions.
Why have Carrigan and his cohorts