Monday, January 20, 2014

UPDATE: Tonight: Continuing the College Affordability Conversation Student Voice #StuVoice

Student Voice:

Reflecting on #StuVoice Chat with Arne Duncan
Khaair Morrison is a youth activist and a cofounder of VOYCE. Morrison is originally from Queens, New York, but currently takes most of his classes at Hunter College as a student of the CUNY Baccalaureate.   —– On Twitter, I tend to follow news reporters, politicians, musicians, advocates and activists to keep up with what is going on in the world. Seldom do I have the opportunity to speak with ce

Last week we had a chat with the US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. Join us this Monday (tonight at 8:30PM EST) as we continue the conversation about college affordability with Grant Lichtman and Dante Barry. We will be discussing things such as how college should be valued, and whether there are adequate alternatives to a four year degree.
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