Monday, January 13, 2014

teacherken at Daily Kos 1-13-14: Republicans are "Enemies of the Poor"

Daily Kos: Krugman: Republicans are "Enemies of the Poor":

Krugman: Republicans are "Enemies of the Poor"
In his Monday column, Krugman tells us it is difficult for Republican with national ambitions are having a difficult time talking about the poor because of their well-earned reputation for reverse Robin-Hoodism, for being the party that takes from the poor and gives to the rich. And the reason that reputation is so hard to shake is that it’s justified. It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that

teacherken at Daily Kos This Week 1-11-14
teacherken at Daily Kos:teacherken at Daily Kos This WeekNick Kristof offers Progress in the War on Povertyin this NY Times column in which he lays out the successes of the effort over the past 50 years, with links galore to support his argument that it has been a success. As he notes: The most accurate measures, using Census Bureau figures that take account of benefits, suggest that poverty rates