Thursday, January 2, 2014

Louisiana Educator: School Vouchers Are a Hoax!

Louisiana Educator: School Vouchers Are a Hoax!:

School Vouchers Are a Hoax!

Happy New Year!

We need to work very hard to insure that 2014 will be a better year for our public schools.

I just came across this article about the Walton Family Foundation beefing up their efforts to promote vouchers. It made me wonder: "What business do the Walton heirs have in trying to dictate that we should spend public tax money on private schools?" This story and other reports like it caused me to reassess my shopping habits at Wal Mart.

We keep hearing about how vouchers help low income kids to escape failing schools. This article in the Advocate shows that such an assumption is highly questionable.

Almost everything we know about the Jindal/White voucher program in Louisiana demonstrates that it is basically a hoax perpetrated on Louisiana taxpayers and parents of some of our most at risk students.  The New Living Word voucher school was so blatantly fraudulent that even John White was forced to admit that it should not continue. But that did not prevent dozens of other highly questionable schools, as indicated by the recent state audit from continuing to pad their budgets using voucher money. New Living Word and others like it, demonstrate clearly that just giving parents a "choice" of what to do with our