Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is It Melodrama Or Is It Farce? – redqueeninla

Is It Melodrama Or Is It Farce? – redqueeninla:

Is It Melodrama Or Is It Farce?

Written by redqueeninla in LAUSD

I’m as desirous of allowing one and all to speak as the next.  But permitting a parade of the voiceless to be heard with the mute button on does not a democracy make.
What’s the point of letting everyone speak, as the LAUSD school board did last Wednesday night, when no one’s listening?  And by “no one” I mean the ones with the vote, the school board members.
They may all have been sitting up there in the “U”, those lights might have been on but no way was anyone home.  No way did it matter one iota what that parade of good citizens and elected officials had to say.
Those school board members had their minds all made up all in advance of the political theater.  That public charade was just a feel-good exercise:  we, the public were allowed to feel, and they, our elected, said it was all-good.  But it wasn’t.  Because they went ahead and voted as ulterior forces had long, long ago dictated.  Tuesday night’s farce was just an unrolling of the preordained, prejudiced factions that have been rolling about for a long time.
The issues have been well-laid out here, as they were at the special BOE meeting on Tuesday night.  Democracy is predicated on elections, but representation is not conferred exclusively by one.  In this instance, representation is crucial on the LAUSD board of education right now, in the immediate future.  An election will ensure the alienation of hundreds of thousands of stakeholders up and until such time as an elected board official 

The Real-est Place On The Westside
The one-hundredth post on this blog will consider a different sort of education.  It concerns the Culver Ice Arena which houses a wonderful skating school.  The rink exemplifies the best and the worst of ‘running as hard as you can to stay in the same place’.   It seems the Culver Ice Arena is in danger of closing due to the exorbitant value of its land resulting in non-renewal of their lease. As