Sunday, January 26, 2014

1-26-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Newark NEW Caucus Update: The Mis-Adventures of Cami Anderson
After working for Joel Klein in New York, Newark Supt hand-picked by those paragon of virtues, the 2 Chrises -- Christie and Cerf -- continues her path of destruction.Once again, there was LOTS of news this week.   The BEST news of the week.  We warn you, it's 35 pages, but, we urge ALL concerned about public education in Newark to read it word for word.  It's a thorough analysis from Rutgers Prof
Alan Lubin Consultants: Total Received from American Federation of Teachers: $96,028.00
The incestuous relationship of the UFT/AFT/NYSUT Edu-industrial complex. I guess "retirement" as NYSUT VP is only a temporary thing. FEDERATION OF TEACHERSRECEIPTS FOR: ALAN LUBIN CONSULTINGType: Professional ServicesLocation: 81 Pico RoadClifton Park, NY 12065Total Received from American Federation of T

MORE Than a Score a Week Away and How One Principal is Dealing With Parent Community on Testing
If there is one event I would urge people who don't ususally do these things to attend it is the More Than a Score event next Saturday, Feb. 1. I'll be blogging about it all week until you get sick of hearing about it. The MORE THAN a SCORE event is in one week! Please help spread the word at your school and community events by printing out this black and white version of the flyer and distributin

1-25-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineNYC Teachers at PS 8X Jump Into NYSUT FrayIt is time for NYSUT’s locals to unite against the useless behemoth of a local called the UFT and take steps to protect the hardworking teachers of NYS... A group of teachers at PS 8 in the Bronx.I spoke with Andy this past summer and expressed my frustration with the lack of leadership on tackling Albany and the DOE head on