Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1-8-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Should principals stop visiting classrooms?
Principals are  above all supposed to be “instructional leaders” but exactly what that means — or how to be effective in that role —  isn’t entirely clear. Cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham looks at the research on what makes for an effective instructional leader in the post below. Willingham is a professor and director of graduate […]    
1-7-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: A sobering way to start 2014In the current issue of The American Prospect, Richard Rothstein reviews Patrick Sharkey’s “Stuck in Place,” a 2013 book that helps explain the persistent failure of educational policy to spur the upward mobility of low-income African American youth. Here’s a piece on the findings in the book by Rothstein, research associate at the Economic Policy Inst