Monday, January 6, 2014

1-6-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum: Speaking out at the School Board Meeting

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Speaking out at the School Board Meeting:

A Start of a New Day for SPS?
I doubt it.I'm reading the presentation for tomorrow's Work Session on Transportation and School Start Times.  Staff is explaining why they could not implement any change to high school start times in 2014-2015.  There are valid reasons, of course, but then there are several references to "all stakeholders who will be affected need to be consulted and kept informed."  You read that and t

Speaking out at the School Board Meeting
I am urging you to speak out - either via e-mail or via public testimony - to the Board about two subjects.One, student data privacy.  We see from the agenda the RTTT item, some of which is about helping PreK-3rd grade students.  It's a fine idea but again, that's exactly the starting age that many entities want to start data tracking.  Will their parents be told this is happening (or asked if the

1-5-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: What the McCleary Decision was AboutIt will soon be the start of a new legislative session in Olympia, which, of course, means that the Legislature will take another run at doing the absolute minimum they can do and still claim to be making progress towards their obligation under the McCleary decision.It also means that there will be a bunch of people - all of the