Friday, January 3, 2014

1-3-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs:

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Thoughts on Socialism, Liberty, and Government and Corporate Powe
   As long as there is a huge concentration of wealth at the top of the society, as we have now in the US, we cannot assume that centralized government initiatives will have positive consequences. Government at all levels has become the tool of powerful corporations.  This makes the historic socialist identification with strong government highly problematical. In the US today, policies which are e
1-2-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs:
With A Brooklyn Accent: otorious Phd’s Quick Tips for College Teaching in the Liberal Arts.Notorious Phd’s Quick Tips for College Teaching in the Liberal Arts.1. Make sure that the reading materials you assign are inspiring as well as informative. Don't be afraid to include literature as well as non-fiction. Students need to use their imagination as well as intellect.2. When you are lecturing, alw