Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1-22-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Shout-out to great ed reporter
Nick Anderson, a veteran education reporter and editor at The Post, wrote the following about a great young colleague of ours, Jenna Johnson, who spent four years covering American college life while breaking some important news stories. Her coverage was memorable. Here’s what he wrote:   By Nick Anderson Before the new year gets any […]    

Why do schools open when it feels like 4 below outside?
According to the Weather Channel,  it is 12 degrees Fahrenheit in Newark., but it feels like 4 below outside because of the wind chill. According to the Star-Ledger, “treacherous driving conditions” on Wednesday morning “prompted school officials to cancel classes in most of Essex County. So what’s wrong with this picture? Belleville – closed Bloomfield […]    

A revealing thought experiment about student achievement and school reform
In the following thought experiment, you are asked to assess data about two states and identify the one in which an average child is likely to achieving more in school. Created by educator and researcher David Berliner, it reveals just how off-base current school reform efforts have been in targeting what the real problems are […]    

Gov. Cuomo seeks changes to ‘flawed’ Common Core implementation
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), who just a few months ago was defending the state Board of Regents’ implementation of the Common Core State Standards, now says it has been “flawed” and that he is creating a panel of education experts and legislators to review the problems and take speedy “corrective action.” He […]    

1-21-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: Dogs vs. cats: Their oh-so-different teaching stylesFor a laugh, watch this to the very end. And for all you cat lovers, it’s just a joke!    25 by Valerie Strauss / 5h  1-20-14 The Answer SheetThe Answer Sheet: Why Christie’s school ‘fix’ is misguidedNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently proposed extending the school year and school day in State of the State speech as reforms