Friday, January 17, 2014

1-17-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Comments and an Open Forum Blog
We can all feel this way sometimes. 

Friday Open Thread
Fun math challenges via UW's Computer Science and Engineering department.  Former School Board President Kay Smith-Blum will have her name on the scholarship wall at JSCEE via a constituent, Eleanor Towes, for Smith-Blum's service to Seattle Schools and students.  It's a great way to honor someone and help a student.Today I'll chatting with folks about student data privacy and other public educati

1-16-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Ed Meetup Tomorrow: Student Data PrivacyFrom Seattle Education blog via writer Dora Taylor:Our first Meetup was a success with our guest, the newly elected School Board Director Sue Peters. We were also fortunate to have with us at the Meetup two previous board members Amy Hagopian and Sally Soriano. It was a great discussion and we learned more about the h