Sunday, December 22, 2013

You Can Address Your Pet Project and Inequality At The Same Time! | The Jose Vilson

You Can Address Your Pet Project and Inequality At The Same Time! | The Jose Vilson:

Why Yes, You CAN Address Inequality and Your Pet Project At The Same Time

Asa Phillip Randolph
Asa Phillip Randolph
Ever notice that whenever someone brings up issues of inequality, another person is bound to say, “Yes, that’s a necessary conversation, but let’s work on this [not-as-significant] policy issue first!” but then, when that’s resolved in one form or another, inequality is still on the table, left to those of us who deal with the consequences?
Yeah, me neither.
This is the way it usually goes in these big board meetings:
Person A: “OK, ladies and gentlemen, we have these two proposals here: one that addresses [latest trend of the day] and the other that addresses social inequality in our schools.”
The whole table buzzes about the proposals at the table.
Person B: “Sounds great! So, how long do each of them take, if you had to put a guess on it?”
Person A: “Well, the first proposal will probably take a few years, but it’s a lot more manageable
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