Monday, December 9, 2013

The Myth of Neutrality and the Common Core | educarenow

The Myth of Neutrality and the Common Core | educarenow:

The Myth of Neutrality and the Common Core

The other day I got myself involved in a little Twitter dust-up over the Common Core.  The gist of it was that the other twitteree was arguing for the standards, while I was arguing that, even if you believe the standards are fine, to ignore the political implications of high-stakes testing is naive.  We now have a clear pattern brought to us through the history of high-stakes testing that shows us that Common Core is one more step in the decimation of the common good.  (See more on my stance here.)
Anyway, as it became abundantly clear that each of us was wasting our time and simply using this argument to reinforce our own positions, I quit.  And then I was sent this final tweet that said,
“…sadly there is no one neutral enough to clearly explain the facts.”
I wonder, to what degree does this myth of neutrality feed in to our problem?
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