Monday, December 9, 2013

The Educated Reporter: EWA Resources for Reporters: Webinars, Story Starters and More

The Educated Reporter: EWA Resources for Reporters: Webinars, Story Starters and More:

EWA Resources for Reporters: Webinars, Story Starters and More

In case you missed it, you can catch a replay of our webinar on the new GED, which is going to reshape the landscape for individuals seeking to move ahead with their educations. In fact, we've got recordings of all our most recent online events conveniently collected in one place.

What else does EWA have to offer? I'm glad you asked. How about Story Starters, your go-to resource for background, the latest research, and expert sources on a wide range of topics. And you don't have to be "starting" a story to find useful information. In fact, it's a great place to go digging deeper into topics you're already writing about. And there's the new Glossary of Education Reform, where you can find out more about everything block scheduling to winter sessions (expanded learning time).

The last one is particularly good topic to check out as we move closer to the holidays. What do your schools have planned for the winter break? Will there be test prep for state exit exams for the high school seniors? Or a math boot camp for middle schoolers looking to get a jump start on the new semester? What about enrichment activities for the kids who attend Safe Key programs?

Have a question, comment or concern for the Educated Reporter? Email EWA public editor Emily Richmond at Follow her on Twitter: @EWAEmily.