Monday, December 16, 2013

Standardized Lies, Money & Civil Rights - Rockfish Productions

Standardized Lies, Money & Civil Rights - Rockfish Productions:

Standardized Lies, Money & Civil Rights

We’d like to provide some information in case you’re interested in setting up a screening your area. While we would sincerely love to personally deliver the film to all of the states, we must consider our full-time jobs, all-but-exhausted budget, and our wives and children (who have been wonderfully supportive!). Therefore, we need to rely on your passion to spread the word about standardized testing and what it’s doing to public education. 

So what are the options? Currently, we’re focusing on screenings in either theaters or schools/community centers that can accommodate larger audiences (75+). Most theaters, especially the chains, charge rental fees. If you have any connections with collegiate educational staff, often they can assist with setting up screenings on campus. Some 2nd or 3rd run film theaters are still in operation, and they usually offer reasonable rental rates. 

Schools may also have auditoriums with state-of-the-art projection systems. They also may have fees involved, usually dependent on date/time. A major advantage for this option is to ask a local organization (i.e., PTA) to sponsor the screening. We’d be more than happy to donate a portion of the ticket sales to any local organizations who help organize these screenings. 

If you’d like to help us spread the word, simply shoot us an email at rockfishproductions@gmail, and we’ll do what we can from our end. We’d prefer any screenings be held by February 15th. 

For decades, standardized testing has been a part of public education. Within the last ten years, however, the testing has taken on a more important, and possibly more damaging, role. Test scores, mistakenly viewed as effective assessments of student ability and teacher/school effectiveness, are anything but. This film sheds light on the invalid nature of these tests, the terrible consequences of high-stakes testing, and the big money that's involved.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video