Thursday, December 26, 2013

SKrashen: Arne Duncan responds to Krashen criticisms, sort of (Jan 4, 2011) on The Situation Room (CNN)

SKrashen: Arne Duncan responds to Krashen criticisms, sort of (Jan 4, 2011) on The Situation Room (CNN):

Arne Duncan responds to Krashen criticisms, sort of (Jan 4, 2011) on The Situation Room (CNN)

Wolf Blitzer asks Arne Duncan about my criticisms of his Washington Post article. Duncan responds, sort of. My comments are included. 
Duncan Washington Post article at: dyn/content/article/2011/01/02/AR2011010202378.html?referrer=emailarticle 
My criticisms at: response-to-arne-duncan.html?wprss=answer-sheet 
Both available at: 
THE SITUATION ROOM: Interview With Education Secretary Arne Duncan Aired January 4, 2011 – 
BLITZER: All right. Let's talk about this article you wrote in "The Washington Post," because you suggested that there was an opportunity to improve education by dealing with poverty, which is the huge source .... 
There was criticism of your article coming in from Professor Stephen Krashen of the University of Southern California, saying, "Duncan gives the impression that overcoming poverty happens all the time under his administration. There is no real evidence that it happens at all." 
Is there any evidence that you are overcoming this? 
DUNCAN: Wolf, that's one of the biggest challenge our country is still -- folks to believe, that