Wednesday, December 11, 2013

SBSB Calls For the Arrest, Prosecution, and Conviction of KIPP Principal Anokhi Saraiya -

SBSB Calls For the Arrest, Prosecution, and Conviction of KIPP Principal Anokhi Saraiya

Imagine if you are a mommy and one day you drop off your son at school. As you leave him and head to work thoughts of his learning, exploring, and creating are going through your head. You smile as you get to work with those wonderful thoughts still in your head.

As you walk into your job you dream of how much school means to the future of your son. You want him to have a love for learning and for school, something that can, and should last a lifetime. But then one day things change. For the worse.

Today, the Daily News reported that the KIPP Star Washington Heights Elementary School on W. 177th St two young boys were detained into "tot cells" to cure their behavior. According to the Daily News, these rooms (The size of a small closet) had a single mat, a single light and a a window in the door 2x3 feet, seems like something out of a Viet Nam War prison camp. The students were left in there for 15-20 minutes.

Oh, these two boys were FIVE AND SEVEN YEARS OLD!

Teneka Hall, mother of one of the boys said;
“He was crying hysterically...It’s no way to treat a child.”
On December 3rd her son Xavier had to be rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital because he wet