Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sacramento City Unified trustees to consider transgender policy - Education - The Sacramento Bee

Sacramento City Unified trustees to consider transgender policy - Education - The Sacramento Bee:

Sacramento City Unified trustees to consider transgender policy

Published: Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013 - 12:00 am

Sacramento City Unified School District trustees are poised this week to approve new guidelines designed to accommodate and protect transgender students.
The policy, two years in the making, is aligned with a bill Gov. Jerry Brown signed in August solidifying rights for transgender youths in California school districts. The Sacramento City Unified policy is similar to others adopted at school districts in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland.
Supporters say accommodating transgender students – those who identify with a gender different from their sex at birth – is not new in Sacramento city schools. The district began addressing the needs of LGBTQ students a decade ago, passing a resolution in support of their safety in 2004 and starting the LGBTQ task force in 2005.
The proposed transgender policy was drafted by a subcommittee of the district’s LGBTQ Task Force. It calls on the district to accommodate and honor a transgender student’s desire to be

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