Tuesday, December 10, 2013

UPDATE PSAT for 12-10-13: Send us your test schedules Parents United for Responsible Education

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NYC Council passes anti-testing resolution
Not convinced about the pizza, but check this out: Press Contact: Jane Hirschmann, 917 679 8343 HISTORIC VOTE BY CITY COUNCIL ON HIGH-STAKES TESTING The New York City Council passed today Resolution 1394.  This is historic because it is the first time that a legislative body has sent a clear directive to the DOE, NYSED and Governor that high stakes standardized tests must be replaced by multiple m

PSAT for 12-10-13: Send us your test schedules

psat_logoMore Than a Score is meeting with CPS testing officials later this week. Among the items on our agenda is a discussion of the actual number of tests given in CPS schools this year. You may remember that CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett announced at the end of last year that the district was cutting back “15 of the 25″ district mandated standardized tests.
From what we’re hearing, though, the reality is not matching up with the claims.
For one thing, CPS has added a number of new tests – e.g. benchmark tests associated with the Common Core and additional REACH teacher evaluation tests.
This excellent post by More Than a Score’s Cassie Cresswell also points out that the cutbacks in many primary tests never happened. She writes,
Second graders will actually take more exams at many schools this year, rather than fewer. In addition to the K-2 literacy and numeracy assessments, the NWEA MAP test will be given to 2nd graders in the spring, and possibly in the winter. And so, many second graders will be taking literacy/English Language Arts (ELA) exams 13 times this
- See more at: http://pureparents.org/?p=21052#sthash.tFjnJCjq.dpuf