Sunday, December 29, 2013

NYC DOE Investigator Lawrence Scott Texts Privates to Teacher He Is Investigating for Corporal Punishment

NYC DOE Investigator Lawrence Scott Texts Privates to Teacher He Is Investigating for Corporal Punishment

OSI Investigator Lawrence Scott
Another "Wow! moment" in the annals of the New York Post, the DOE, it's investigative process, and Uncle Mike's Reign of Terror.

The Post outed OSI investigator Lawrence Scott in not only telling Natalya Sokolson Gordon, a
computer and fifth-grade teacher at PS 329 in Coney Island, that her;
 “I have the power to get rid of you just like that,” she said he told her, snapping his fingers, “or I can make everything go away.”
Nothing earth shattering really with that revelation my pal and all around first-rate blogger Chaz shared how the investigative process works over 5 years ago.

But worse, even more degrading is that Investigator Lawrence Scott sent Ms. Gordon; scores of X-rated texts, a photo of his penis and explicit demands for sex 

Obviously he has some serious Freudian issues here. 

Soon Investigator Scott told Ms. Gordon that he "likes it dirty" and to call him when she gets the