Sunday, December 29, 2013

Inequity and BYOD | Connected Principals

Inequity and BYOD | Connected Principals:

Inequity and BYOD

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Tim & Selena Middleton
Often when speaking to groups about technology and “Bring Your Own Device” initiatives, I will have someone challenge the thinking and say, “Well…what about inequity?”  To break down this question, what is often meant is that you will really shine a negative spotlight on the kids who do not have devices and they will feel worse about their situations.
Sometimes I feel that this argument is a reason to not even try by some that are making it.  But for some, it is a legitimate concern.
Here are my thoughts…
If we are really wanting to help these kids that might be coming from poor situations, we need to rethink the practices that we already have in our schools to provide for them.  For example, many schools have “computer labs” where we take kids once or twice a week, to do something with technology or allow them to type out an essay for us.  This is not a good use of technology anymore and we should know better now.  Technology should be at the point of instruction and be as accessible in learning as a pencil; it shouldn’t be an event. How many pencil labs do you have in your school?
So why are we not taking those labs apart and using those devices for the kids that don’t have the technology readily