Sunday, December 15, 2013

Disrupting Innovation | educarenow

Disrupting Innovation | educarenow:

Disrupting Innovation

The buzz word everywhere is “innovation.”  You can’t avoid it.  And who wants to?  It means positive change, connotes growth and goodness.  It’s a wonderful word.  Who can possibly be against innovation?
So last week I went to the Michigan Innovative Schools Conference.  (The conference was at least partially hosted by the Michigan Center of Innovation for Education.)
Let’s call it a growth experience.
The main speaker was Michael Horn, the author of Disrupting Class, who spoke on the “need” for “disruptive innovation.”
Please feel free to go more deeply into Horn’s ideas.  They are readily available as applied to the private sector and, because they are now boundary hopping into the public sector, are ideas educators need to become aware of.
Horn, obviously an education expert- he has an MBA from Harvard, spoke for a while on such things as the importance of educational areas of “consumption” vs