Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Are You a Leader or Manager? | Connected Principals

Are You a Leader or Manager? | Connected Principals:

Are You a Leader or Manager?

Leadership chart
Most school districts claim to want to move from good to great, become world class, become a 21st century district, or fill in the slogan blank.  Getting past the cliches (and the fact that we’re 14 years into the 21st century already), effective implementation of these transformations/progressions requires progressive thinking and leadership.  Doing things the way you’ve always done them is not going to vault you to a new status; it will maintain your current status.  As a matter of fact, maintaining while others around you vault forward, relatively speaking, equates to falling behind.
Whether leadership positions are in classrooms responsible for kids, or offices responsible for adults, people look up to you everyday.  Leadership positions tend to be occupied by leaders and managers.  Some differences are:
support creativity & divergent thinkingteach “the right way” & make sure everyone knows what to think
trustlook over the shoulder
delegate tasks of great responsibilitydelegate tasks of minor responsibility
ask questionstell the correct answer
seek knowledge from everyone