Friday, December 6, 2013

12-6-13 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG Thoughts from #PISA2012, Take Two — Whole Child Education

Thoughts from #PISA2012, Take Two — Whole Child Education:

Thoughts from #PISA2012, Take Two
PISA assesses the extent to which 15-year-old students have acquired key knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. The results should be used as one measure of a country's overall evaluation of its education system and not serve as a league table. Yet information and greater understanding are there if we care to look and discuss the results honestly. Thes
Thoughts from #PISA2012
Whatever differences we may read in the PISA results that were released today, here's a sampling of quotes from the U.S. report (PDF) from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to put things in perspective. Each could be a blog post on their own and each serves up some interesting pieces of information. Socioeconomics Students who did not surpass the most basic PI
Improving Schools: Neither a Silver Bullet Nor a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
"The wonder drug has been invented, manufactured, packaged, and shipped. Doctors and nurses are being trained to administer the drug properly. Companies and consultants are offering products and services to help with the proper administering of this wonder drug. A national effort is underway to develop tools to monitor the improvement of the patients. The media are flooded with enthusiastic

12-2-13 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG Integrating Common Core and Character Education: Why It Is Essential and How It Can Be Done — Whole Child Education
Integrating Common Core and Character Education: Why It Is Essential and How It Can Be Done — Whole Child Education: Integrating Common Core and Character Education: Why It Is Essential and How It Can Be DoneWith more states adopting the Common Core State Standards, it can be overwhelming for U.S. schools and teachers to consider "adding" anything else. But character education isn't abou