Thursday, December 5, 2013

12-5-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

News Flash: Malloy, Pryor and Jepsen get slapped down by Court
As CT Mirror’s Jacqueline Rabe Thomas is reporting in an article entitled, Trial guaranteed on CT school funding and reforms, earlier today a Superior Court judge “rejected the state’s request to throw out a lawsuit charging that Connecticut has failed to provide enough money to its poorest school districts.” “The decision comes eight years after […]The post News Flash: Malloy, Pryor and Jepsen ge

Campaign Finance Reform Malloy Style: NU CEO says support Malloy by giving to the Connecticut Democratic Party
Not long ago Connecticut adopted a landmark campaign finance reform law.  As a result of that law, candidates running for governor who wanted to participate in the public financing system could not accept donations greater than $100. For few short years Connecticut’s campaign finance law served as a model for the nation. When more and […]The post Campaign Finance Reform Malloy Style: NU CEO says s
Arne Duncan is an idiot
Earlier this week, some data about the results of some international standardized test scores were released.  Diane Ravitch put them in perspective in a piece published by the Huffington Post.  (See: What You Need to Know About the International Test Scores). But quite frankly, more interesting than the results was the way the corporate education […]The post Arne Duncan is an idiot (and a liar) ap
12-4-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Did you see the “For Sale” sign that they Malloy Administration put up?The evidence continues to surface… Since Governor Malloy and the Connecticut General Assembly changed the law to allow individuals to donate larger amounts of money to the respective State political parties, the funds have been flowing in to the Democratic State Central Committee courtesy of those who do business wi