Thursday, December 5, 2013

12-4-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

City to Ease Pot Buffer Near Schools?
Publicola has been covering the issue of where pot stores will be springing up now that Washington State has a law to make them legal.  There are more than 80 stores with applications to be in Seattle.In this thread, they show a map of where stores are proposed to be.  However: If you overlay Baker's map with the city's own map of the areas where pot stores are likely to be allowed—under Seattle r

Nelson Mandela - A Giant of a Man
I had thought for a long while that it was futile to wish for Mandela to live for much longer.  He was very old and had been through so much.  And so he has passed. But he gave so much to this world and if it was only one thing (and I come back to this again and again as a topic) - it is not hope or fighting the good fight.  It is resiliency.  The ability to believe that you can and will overcome

Katie Dolan; Activist
 Katie Dolan, a long-time activist for the rights of disabled people in Washington state, died last Saturday, the Seattle Times reports.  I had never heard of Ms. Dolan but I'm glad to have read about her important contributions.  Her family was among the first to participate in Northwest Center, which provided developmentally disabled students with teaching and jobs. In 1971, under what he once c
Religion Comes to School
There was an interesting story from Inside Bainbridge about Bainbridge Island School district about some volunteers who were youth pastors.  An investigation was launched and the district has promised to improve its volunteer screening.  The story was about a middle school where three evangelical youth pastors had been volunteering over the last year, mostly in the lunchroom and at registration. 
12-4-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: We Have a New Seattle School BoardI attended the Oath of Office ceremony this afternoon for our two new and one returning Board members.  It had all the usual trappings; family, supporters and a fair number of staff.  There were speeches (mercifully brief) but, from talking to others, there is one person who stood out to many of us.I think I'll write this thread as